Christian Wejse gets special role in the University Alliance

Associate Professor Christian Wejse from the Department of Public Health and the Department of Clinical Medicine is the new Academic Chair of the European University Alliance Circle U. As Academic Chair, he will contribute to the development of a strong and sustainable collaboration between the seven member universities in the alliance.

Lektor Christian Wejse er ny Academic Chair i den europæiske universitetsalliance Circle U.
Lektor Christian Wejse er ny Academic Chair i den europæiske universitetsalliance Circle U.

As part of Aarhus University's participation in the European Circle U. partnership, Associate Professor Christian Wejse has been appointed Academic Chair. In the role, he will be responsible for Health's contribution to the work being done in the Global Health knowledge hub.

The Global Health knowledge hub is one of three thematic areas in the Socially-engaged Education and Research work package. The various work packages share the following objectives:

  • To develop structures that facilitate collaboration between researchers, students and external partners
  • To develop and implement courses and programmes across disciplines and universities in the alliance

Great potential for academic benefits – for both researchers and teaching staff

Christian Wejse is looking forward to his new role and sees many good and beneficial opportunities in the collaboration with the other Circle U. partners.

"The Circle U. collaboration simplifies working together with colleagues in other countries on specific projects and larger visions. There are many exciting potential collaborations and interesting opportunities for developing joint educational initiatives, for example in the form of joint Summer Schools,” explains Christian Wejse, and continues:

“Virtually all the other Circle U. partners have strong teaching- and research environments within global health, with independent Master's programmes and PhD courses that we can learn from and develop a teaching partnership around.”

An Academic Chair has been appointed from each faculty at Aarhus University. They will contribute to the University Alliance within their respective fields.

In addition to Aarhus University, the following universities are members of the Circle U. Alliance:

Overview of Academic Chairs from Aarhus University:

Technical Sciences
Senior Researcher Anne Jensen, Department of Environmental Science
Circle U. Platform: Socially-engaged Education and Research, Climate Hub

Aarhus BSS
Associate Professor Lars Johannsen, Department of Political Science
Circle U. Platform: Socially-engaged Education and Research, Democracy Hub

Professor Susan Wright, Danish School of Education
Circle U. Platform: Think and Do Tank on the Future of Higher Education

Natural Sciences
Senior Researcher Morten Foss, Interdisciplinary Nanoscience Center
Circle U. Platform: Student-led Sustainable Innovation

Associate Professor Christian Wejse, Department of Public Health and Department of Clinical Medicine
Circle U. Platform: Socially-engaged Education and Research, Global Health Hub

You can also read the article: The faculty restarts its European travel pool

Read more about the Circle U. on the alliance's website.


MD, PhD, Associate Professor & Speciality Registrar Christian Wejse
Aarhus University, Department of Public Health and Department of Clinical Medicine
Tel.: (+45) 5194 4519