Conference: How do we attract more women researchers to AU?

The Committee for Research and External Cooperation (UFFE) invites leaders, staff and students to a one-day conference on 8 March to discuss how we can improve the gender balance among researchers at AU.

AU skal blive bedre både til at fastholde talentfulde kvindelige forskere og rekruttere flere kvinder inden for de områder, hvor der er en skæv balance mellem kønnene. Foto: Jesper Rais, AU Kommunikation

How do we make sure that more talented female researchers at AU choose research careers? And how can we attract the best female researchers to AU? This is the focal point for a conference on 8 March 2019 for leaders at all levels, scientific personnel, HR managers, consultants and students at AU.

The conference will focus on identifying structural and cultural barriers that keep talented women from choosing a career in research, and on identifying whether there is an unconscious "gender bias” at play when recruiting new researchers.

The issue of gender balance has the attention of AU’s senior management. Therefore, all managers, employees and students are encouraged to participate in the conference.

“It is vital that we make a common and serious effort to address the matter of gender equality, and ensure massive support for this conference. The solution won’t come from management alone, so we need as many people as possible to attend and make their opinions known,” says Vice-Dean of talent development Lise Wogensen Bach.   

The conference on 8 March is a result of the senior management team's action plan (Danish only) for more women in research. The action plan was adopted in 2016 and will run until 2020, when a new action plan will be implemented.

The conference programme includes keynote speakers and inspirational lectures in a plenary session in the morning, after which each faculty will hold its own session. The day will be concluded with a joint follow-up session, a closing talk, followed by a Friday bar with live music from Velvet Volume.  

Read more about the conference, see the full programme and sign-up here