Human First Symposium
Welcome to the Human First Symposium, where you can learn about how we succeed in implementing new knowledge. You will also hear about the projects we collectively develop in the Human First collaboration.
Info about event
Aarhus Universitetshospital, Palle Juul-Jensens Boulevard, 8200 Aarhus, Audito- rium G206-145, indgang G, G206, AUH Øst samt foyer G206-020
Human First is an umbrella for a wide range of initiatives spanning somatic illness, mental health, rehabilitation, and education. Human First is a dynamic organization where we collaborate across universities, hospitals, municipalities, and professional schools. The door is open if you would like to be part of the collaboration!
Target audience:
All interested researchers and employees who are either part of Human First or would like to learn more about Human First.
- Welcome and status of Human First by the chairmanship
- 'Enhanced cross-sectoral research-practice collaboration – the path to success in implementation?' Presentation by Tine Curtis, Head of the Center for Prevention in Practice, Local Government Denmark, Research Director in Aalborg Municipality, and Associate Professor at the University of Southern Denmark and Aalborg University.
- Short pitches about the projects in Human First by researchers, educators, clinicians, and practitioners. Symposium participants will be divided into smaller groups circulating around the various stands in the foyer to learn about the current projects.
- Conclusion of the day by the Human First chairmanship
A detailed program will be available on the website
How to register?
Sign up at the registration link: HERE.
Best regards,
The Chairmanship of Human First
Anne-Mette Hvas
Dean, AU Health
Aase Lydiksen
Executive Director, Human First, VIA University College
Anette Ørbæk Andersen
Director, Ringkøbing-Skjern Kommune
Mette Kjølby
Vice director, Region Midtjylland
Human First is a partnership in the healthcare sector between VIA University College, Central Denmark Region, Aarhus University, and the 19 municipalities in the Central Jutland region. Our vision is to collaborate on groundbreaking research, development, education, and clinic/practice - for better health and society, where clinic/practice is defined as prevention, assessment, diagnosis, treatment, care, and rehabilitation. You can read more about the partnership, focus areas, vision, and organization on our website |