Researchers from Health secure coveted grants from the Independent Research Fund Denmark

Ten grants from the Independent Research Fund Denmark give researchers from Health the opportunity to investigate health challenges such as e.g. resilience towards chemotherapy, the risk of developing heart disease for psoriasis patients and a weakened immune system in patients with HIV.

Ten researchers from Health receive more than DKK 28 million in total from the Independent Research Fund Denmark.
Ten researchers from Health receive more than DKK 28 million in total from the Independent Research Fund Denmark.

More than two hundred research ideas from all over Denmark are receiving research funding of the riskier kind from the Independent Research Fund Denmark. The aim is to launch groundbreaking research at universities, hospitals and elsewhere – and this is where the faculty’s researchers come into the picture. As they have received some of this year’s largest grants from the Independent Research Fund Denmark.

Read more in the project descriptions on the Independent Research Fund Denmark’s website and see an overview of the Health researchers who have received grants here: