Six more years for the vice-dean

Lise Wogensen Bach has been re-appointed as vice-dean for talent development and external relations. She is particularly looking forward to strengthening the development of junior talents and making the PhD degree programme even better, but she will also work to increase international corporation at Health.

Foto: Lars Kruse, AU Foto

Since 2011, Lise Wogensen Bach has left her own unmistakeable stamp on talent and career development at Health – and she will now continue to do so over the coming six years.

As chair of the appointment committee, Dean Lars Bo Nielsen is pleased to see that Lise Wogensen Bach has said yes to another term.

"Lise is a tremendous professional capacity and an excellent team player, and with her constructive and energetic approach to tasks, she has shown that she can both work strategically and long-term, while at the same time getting things done," says Lars Bo Nielsen.

The appointment means that Lise Wogensen Bach will again head the faculty's talent development and external relations. One of her first tasks will be to lead the development of a career development programme for academic leadership talents.

“We want to give leadership talents at Health the opportunity to find good career paths, regardless of whether we’re dealing with a talented researcher or a skilled administrative employee,” says Lise Wogensen Bach on the idea which is one of the faculty’s focus areas for 2019.

Other items on the vice-dean’s to-do list include contributing to Health strengthening its relations with the region, business and industry and a number of institutions abroad, and to making the PhD programme at Health even better.

"We have an excellent graduate school at Health, but I would like to start a process that leads to the PhD's making an even bigger contribution to developing our healthcare services," she says.

In university terms, Lise Wogensen Bach is probably best known for her work on responsible conduct of research and for her unceasing focus on ensuring career opportunities within research for women. Another achievement which should be named is a continuous effort to develop the graduate school at Health, while in recent years she has invested considerable resources in speeding up the faculty's collaboration with business and industry.

"Lise has put important topics on the agenda and she has been the driving force behind a wide range of initiatives, not just at Health and Aarhus University, but also nationally with a major role in both the development of the Danish guidelines for responsible conduct of research and for the development of the PhD degree programme in Denmark," says Lars Bo Nielsen. He also mentions her work to develop AU’s Junior Researchers Programme and the two extra-curricular honours programmes at Health; the Business Honours Programme and the Research Honours Programme.

"With the major tasks and challenges that our faculty is facing, it’s important to have a skilled and experienced person like Lise to lead our talent development and external relations," says Lars Bo Nielsen.

Following a process with an open job advertisement and interview, Lise Wogensen Bach will be employed at Health until 2024. Prior to 2011, when she was for the first time appointed vice-dean, she was a professor with special responsibilities (MSO) at the biochemical pathology research laboratory at Aarhus University Hospital in Nørrebrogade.