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Research units: Applied Public Health Research, Global Health and Health Services & Rehabilitation
Research units: General Practice, Nursing & Health Care
Research units: Arctic Health & Molecular Epidemiology, Biostatistics, Environment, Epidemiology and Occupation & Health
Research units: Exercise Biology and Sport & Body Culture
Elderly patients with life-threatening bowel infections can be treated more effectively and without needing hospitalization, according to a study.
A loose idea or a fully-developed project? Staff at the Department of Biomedicine can now access support for all things related to business…
Clinical Associate Professor and PhD Kirstine Kobberøe Søgaard has just defended her higher doctoral dissertation from Aarhus University, in which she…
Computational Methods for Accurate Calling of Circulating Tumor DNA Mutations for Early Cancer Detection
Fetal membrane cells in maternal blood in term and preterm pregnancies
The Stigma Associated with Gestational Diabetes