Health and well-being develop throughout life – both inside and outside the health care system. Organisation of the health care system is important as is health literacy in the population as the foundation for individual action. Population mental health is an area of major concern. Special attention must be paid to conditions specific for developing countries.
We explore, describe and analyse how professionals and citizens manage health and public health issues. We also in a life perspective develop and explore public health interventions and identify means of optimising population health literacy. Mental health among children and adolescents is of major concern, and we explore causes and potential interventions. In developing countries we explore the possibilities of optimising population health.
This research area consists of three research units: Applied Public Health Research, Global Health and Mental Public Health. Furthermore a number of research groups within the research units specialise in selected sub-areas such as Public Health Metrics, Organising Public Health and Health Promotion & Intervention Research.
Why is there a greater risk of falling ill, benefiting less from our healthcare system and dying earlier, when you have limited education, low income or poor social network?
how can we best support those who find it difficult to take good decisions about their own health to navigate health information, healthy environments and the health services?