CANDLE In the CANDLE project we tested the health effects of two different candles: a standard candle and a newly-developed candle. Seventeen young asthmatics participated in the study.
Ultrafine The Ultrafine project is designed to shed light on whether exposure to candles and cooking fumes causes health problems among 36 young asthmatics.
GodNat In the GodNat project, we investigate whether children's sleep and cognition are affected by exposure to carbon dioxide (CO2) and bioeffulents (breaking wind, sweat, etc.). A total of 35 children aged 10-12 years slept in the chambers on three separate occasions.
PASVAP The purpose of PASVAP is to examine whether passive vapour from e-cigarettes affects the health of people with COPD.
Completed projects
Hipwoods In this study, we examined the acute health effects of exposure to smoke from wood-burning stoves. 20 allergy sufferers participated in the study.
Rhinix The study tested the effect of a newly developed nasal filter as a preventative method to reduce or eliminate the discomfort from seasonal hay fever. 24 volunteers with seasonal hay fever participated in the study.
X-Mobil In the X-Mobil study, we examined whether radiofrequency radiation related to mobile telephony (third-generation mobile phones) affected healthy young people and adults, and whether there were specific characteristics of the radiation that caused any possible effect. The study included 80 volunteers in the age group 15-40 years.
TETRA The TETRA study examined whether radio-frequency radiation from TETRA handsets have significance for different cognitive functions, and whether there were acute effects of the radiation after short-term exposure. TETRA is used by the Danish emergency response agencies. 55 volunteers were recruited from among employees at the Danish emergency response agencies.
XDOZ The purpose of the project was to investigate whether the presence of dust with and without ozone can have a negative effect on the experience of indoor climate quality and the well-being and health of the participants. 23 healthy subjects aged 60-70 years participated in the study.