Call for papers

The INHDR is now accepting abstract submissions for consideration for presentation at the 2013 INHDR Conference. The theme for the conference will be “What do we (really) know about doping?” and will be held August 15 and 16, 2013 at Aarhus University in Aarhus, Denmark. Abstracts are welcome on any area of doping research related to the humanities or social sciences. The INHDR recognizes, values, and encourages interdisciplinary approaches and methodologies, and will give preference to those focused on the conference’s theme “What do we (really) know about doping?” and the conference’s key questions, which include:

  • How prevalent is doping and how do we determine this number?
  • What do we know about doping cultures? Are there any points of consensus?
  • Which methods are worthwhile pursuing and which are not?
  • What are the pros and cons for the methodology of the research we apply when trying to reach answers for our questions?
  • How do we determine valid answers in the different sub-disciplines where sport and doping are studied (sociology, philosophy, anthropology, psychology, history, cultural studies)?
  • Are we sufficiently aware of the number of assumptions and tacit premises that we apply when drafting research?
  • What are the key problems still in need of research?

All abstracts must conform to the submission guidelines listed below and must be submitted prior to 1st April (NEW DATE!), 2013. INHDR is an advocate of opportunities for young scholars and encourages Ph.D.-student submissions.

Abstract Submission Guidelines:

The abstract should be between 250 and 500 words, written in English (the official language of the conference), and should conform to a commonly accepted academic referencing style.

Please E-mail your abstract to conference secretary Carsten K. Martensen,
