Journal Watch: June-November

By Katharina Gatterer and Emmanuel Macedo

A list of doping-related publications from our members and others between June and November 2020

Aboagye, E., Yawson, J., & Nyantakyi Appiah, K. (2020) Doping practices, knowledge of anti-doping control and roles of physical education teachers in anti-doping education. Social Education Research, 1(2), 173-184.

Adams, B. (2020). Barry Bonds v. Alex Rodriguez: Don’t hate the player; hate the steroid-manufactured game. In J. Lamothe & D. Barbie (Eds.), Athletes Breaking Bad: Essays on Transgressive Sports Figures (pp. 95-111). McFarland.

Adknis, A. (2020) Trapped in the binary divide: How forced contraceptives violate the World Anti-Doping Code. American University International Law Review, 35(3), 531-576.

Anil, D., Pandey, G., Tharmavaram, M., Rawtani, D., & Hussain, C. M. (2020) Sensors for dope tests in sports. In D. Rawtani & C. M Hussain (Eds.), Technology in Forensic Science. Sampling, Analysis, Data and Regulations (pp. 259-278). Wiley-VCH.

Anjum, G. S., Mumtaz, N., & Saqulain, G. (2020) Attitude of athletes towards doping: A dilemma in Pakistan. Pakistan Journal of Medical Sciences, 36(7).

Barnes, L., Patterson, L., & Backhouse, S. (2020) A systematic review of research into coach perspectives and behaviours regarding doping and anti-doping. Psychology of sport and exercise.

Blazer, A. (2020) When rituals fail: Confessions of doping in elite sports. Religions, 11, 605.

Christiansen, A.V. (2020) Gym Culture, Identity and Performance-Enhancing Drugs: Tracing a Typology of Steroid Use. London: Routledge.

Cuddihy, B. (2020) No standardization or harmonization in anti-doping testing frequency. BMJ Open Sport and Exercise Medicine, 6(1). bmjsem-2020-000793

Cuff, S., & LaBotz, M. (2020) Legal performance-enhancing substances in children and adolescents: why should we care? Pediatrics, 146(3).

De la Torre, X., Colamonici, C, Iannone, M., Jardines, D., Molaioni, F., & Botrè, F. (2020) Detection of clostebol in sports: Accidental doping? Drug Testing and Analysis.

Dunn, M., Mulrooney, K., Biddau, D., McKay F., & Henshaw R. (2020) ‘Bali over the counter’: Exploring the overseas use and acquisition of anabolic-androgenic steroids. Journal of Deviant Behavior.

Engelberg, T. & Moston, S. (2020) Crime and misconduct in sport. Sport in Society.

Ekhtiari, S., Yusuf, I., & AlMakadma, Y. (2020) Opioid use in athletes: A systematic review. Sport Health: A Multidisciplinary Approach,

Erler, A. (2020) Neuro-doping and the value of effort in endurance sports. Neuroethics.

Feddersen, A. (2020) Do consumers care about doping scandals in sports? – Evidence from TV broadcasts of the Tour de France in Denmark. University of Southern Denmark.

Fehske, K., & Lukas, C. (2020) Doping and nutrition supplementation in Basketball. In L. Laver, B. Kocaoglu, B. Cole, A.J.H. Arundale, J. Bytomski & A. Amendola (Eds)., Basketball Sports Medicine and Science. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer.

Fincoeur, B., Henning, A., & Ohl, F. (2020) Fifty shades of grey? On the concept of grey zones in elite cycling. Performance Enhancement and Health.

Folkerts, D., Loh, R., Petróczi, A., & Brueckner, S. (2020) The Performance Enhancement Attitude Scale (PEAS) reached ‘adulthood’: Lessons and recommendations from a systematic review and meta-analysis. SportRxiv.

Garthe, I., & Ramsbottom, R. (2020) Elite athletes, a rationale for the use of dietary supplements: a practical approach. PharmaNutrition.

Hagiu, B., & Ghiciuc, C. (2020) Sports genomics and sport doping. Athens Journal of Sports, 7(1), 1-9.

Havnesa, I., Jørstad, M., Innerdal, I., & Bjørnebekk, A. (2020) Anabolic-androgenic steroid use among women—A qualitative study on experiences of masculinizing, gonadal and sexual effects. International Journal of Drug Policy.

Henning, A., McLean, K., Andreasson, J., & Dimeo, P. (2020) Risk and enabling environments in sport: Systematic doping as harm reduction. International Journal of Drug Policy.

Hessert, B. (2020). Cooperation and reporting obligations in sport investigations. The International Sports Law Journal.

Hoff, D. (2020) The significance of ‘situated learning’ for doping in an elite sports community: an interview study of AAS-using powerlifters. Sport in Society.

Horcajo, J., Santos, D., Guyer, J., & Mateos, R. (2020) A meta-cognitive approach to doping in sports: The effects of thought validation on attitudes related to doping. Social and Behavioral Sciences.

Isidori, E., di Gianfrancesco, A., Fossati, C., & Pigozzi, F. (2020) Contributions of sports medicine to anti-doping education: engaging in dialogue with the social and human sciences. Medicina dello Sport, 73(3), 547-56.

Kayser, B. & De Block, A. (2020) Would relaxation of the anti-doping rule lead to Red Queen effects? Sport, Ethics and Philosophy.

Kavussanu, M., Hurst, P., Yukhymenko-Lescroart, M., Galanis, E., King, A., Hatzigeorgiadis, A., & Ring, C. (2020) A Moral Intervention Reduces Doping Likelihood in UK and Greek Athletes: Evidence from a Cluster Randomized Control Trial. Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology [in press].

Krishnan, A., Datta, K., Sharma, D., Das Sharma, S., Mahajan, U., Jhajharia, S., & Yadav, M. (2020) Survey of antidoping knowledge, attitudes and practices amongst elite Indian sportsmen and the way forward. Medical Journal Armed Forces India.

Konstantinidis, K., & Panagiotopoulos, D. (2020) The judgment of sport jurisdiction bodies on doping cases. Kutafin University Law Review, 7(1), 96-107.

Kumaran, A.S.K., Ganapathy, D., & Sasanka. L.K. (2020) Awareness in use of steroid drugs among football players. Journal of Pharmaceutical Research International, 32(27), 11-19.

López, S., Meirelles, J., Rayol, V., Poralla, G., Woldmar, N., Fadel, B., Figueiredo, M., da Costa Padilha, M., Radler de Aquino Neto, F., Marcelo Gualberto Pereira, H., & Pizzatti L. (2020) Gene doping and genomic science in sports: Where are we? Bioanalysis.

Loukovitis, A., Skoufa, L., & Barkoukis, V. (2020) An examination of football players’ beliefs about anti-doping education. Physical Education, Sport and Kinetotherapy Journal, 59(2), 94-106.

Mareck, U., Fusshöller, G., Geyer, H., Huestis, M. A., Scheiff, A. B., & Thevis, M. (2020) Preliminary data on the potential for unintentional anti-doping rule violations by permitted CBD use. Drug Testing and Analysis.

Martínková, I. (2020) Open categories in sport: One way to decrease discrimination. Sport, Ethics and Philosophy. /10.1080/17511321.2020.1772355

Mazzeo, F., Santamaria, S., Montesano, P., Rinaldi, M., & Madonna, G. (2020) Updated evidence report for the anti-doping research: analysis from 2008 to 2018 for performance-enhancing drugs and gene doping test development. Journal of Physical Education and Sport

, 20(4), 2378-2385. /10.7752/jpes.2020.s4324

Mettler, S., Bosshard, J. V., Häring, D., & Morgan, G. (2020) High prevalence of supplement intake with a concomitant low information quality among swiss fitness center users. Nutrients, 12, 2595.

Møller, V., & Christiansen, A. (2020) Neuro-doping—A serious threat to the integrity of sport? Neuroethics.

Murofushi, Y. (2020) Sports and anti-doping: Toward a clean sports environment. Juntendo Medical Journal

, 66(1), 58-59. 10.14789/jmj.2020.66.JMJ19-P02

Nakajima, R., Onuma, N., Watanabe, F., & Kamei, M. (2020) Conditions and hardship related to pharmacists’ provisions of anti-doping activities. International Journal of Sport and Health Science.

Nicholls, A.R., Fairs, L.R.W., Plata-Andrés, M., Bailey, R., Cope, E., Madigan, D.J., Koenen, K., Glibo, I., Theodorou, N.C., Laurent, J.-F., Garcia, G., & Chanal, B. (2020) Feasibility randomised controlled trial examining the effects of the Anti-Doping Values in Coach Education (ADVICE) mobile application on doping knowledge and attitudes towards doping among grassroots coaches. BMJ Open Sport & Exercise Medicine, 6(1).

Nicholls, A. R., Morley, D., Thompson, M. A., Huang, C., Abt, G., Rothwell, M., Cope, E., & Ntoumanis, N.  (2020). The Effects of the iPlayClean Education Programme on Doping Attitudes and Susceptibility to use Banned Substances among High-Level Adolescent Athletes from the UK: A Cluster Randomised Controlled Trial. International Journal of Drug Policy, 82.

Ntoumanis, N., Quested, E., Patterson, L., Kaffe, S., Backhouse, S.H., Pavlidis, G., Whitaker, L., Barkoukis, V., Smith, B.J., Staff, H.R., & Gucciardi, D.F. (2020) An intervention to optimize coach-created motivational climates and reduce athlete willingness to dope (CoachMADE): a three-country cluster randomised controlled trial. British Journal of Sports Medicine [Epub ahead of print].

Petersen, T. S. (2020) Doping in sport: A Defence. Oxon, New York: Routledge.

Petróczi, A., Backhouse, S., Boardley, I.D., Saugy, M., Pitsiladis, Y., Viret, M., Ioannidas, G., Ohl, F., Loland, S., McNamee, M.J. (2020) ‘Clean athlete status’ cannot be certified: Calling for caution, evidence and transparency in ‘alternative’ anti-doping systems. International Journal of Drug Policy.

Petróczi, A, Heyes, A., Thrower, S.N., Martinelli, L.A., Backhouse S.H., & Boardley, I.D. (2020) Building clean(er) sport together: Community-based participatory research with elite athletes and anti-doping organisations from five European countries. SportRxiv.

Phillips, K., & Hopkins, W. (2020). Determinants of cycling performance: a review of the dimensions and features regulating performance in elite cycling competitions. Sports Medicine, 6(23).

Pitsch, W., & Gleaves, J. (2020) If you’re not the first, you’re last: Are the empirical premises correct in the ethics of anti-doping? Sport, Ethics and Philosophy.

Pitsiladis, Y., Muniz-Pardos, B., Miller, M., & Verroken, M. (2020) Sport integrity opportunities in the time of coronavirus. Sports Medicine.

Read, D., Skinner, J., Lock, D., & Houlihan, B. (2020) Balancing mission creep, means, effectiveness and legitimacy at the World Anti-Doping Agency. Performance Enhancement and Health, 1-30. [Restricted to Repository staff only until 18 May 2023]

Ring, C., Kavussanu, M., Gürpınar, B., Whitehead, J., & Mortimer, H. (2020) Basic values predict unethical behavior in sport: the case of athletes’ doping likelihood. Ethics and Behavior.

Ring, C., Kavussanu, M., & Walters, B. (2020) The self-other divergence effect for doping likelihood: Mediation by guilt and moderation by moral agency and values. Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology.

Serrano- Durá, J., & Molina, P. (2020) Systematic review of research on fair play and sporting competition. Sport Education and Society.

Shadmanfaat, S., Kabiri, S., Milex, L. N., Howell, C. J., Muniz, C. N., & Cochran, J. K. (2020). Performance enhancing drug use among professional athletes: testing the applicability of key theoretical concepts derived from situational action theory. Journal of Sport and Social Issues, 1-20.

Shamsaei, N., & Ahmadian, N. (2020) The study of psychological relationship between the level of religiosity and doping susceptibility among bodybuilding athletes. Journal of Religion and Health, 8(1).

Sipavičiūtė, B., Šukys, S., Dumčienė, A., (2020) Doping prevention in sport: Overview of anti-doping education programs. Baltic Journal of Sport & Health Sciences, 117(2), 39-48.

Smith, A., Constantino, S., & Westberg, K. (2020) Cognitive enhancing drugs in sport: Current and future concerns. Substance Use & Misuse, 55(12).

Star, S., & Kelly, S. (2020) A level playing field in anti-doping disputes? The need to scrutinize procedural fairness at first instance hearings. The International Sports Law Journal.

Stojanović, E., & Radovanović, D. (2020) Educative aspects of doping prevention in school-aged children and adolescents. Physical Education and Sport, 18(2), 305-310.

Tännsjö, T. (2020) Neuro-doping as a means to avert fascistoid ideology in elite sport. Neuroethics.

Thau, T. (2020) Rethinking the unfair advantage argument. Journal of the Philosophy of Sport.

Trabal, P., & Zubizaretta, E. (2020) A proposal for theoretical and empirical extension of the sociology of anti-doping. Performance Enhancement and Health [in press].

Uslu, S., Barak, R., Misovski, A., Milenkoski, J., Barak, İ., & İşgüzar, G. (2020) Examination of elite volleyball players’ doping knowledge levels and their opinions on doping. Research in Physical Education, Sport and Health, 9(1), 19-28.

Van Bottenburg, M., Geeraert, A., de Hon, O. (2020) The World Anti-Doping Agency: Guardian of elite sport’s credibility. In Boin, A., Fahy, L.A. ‘t Hart, P. (eds) Guardians of Public Value. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan.

Viret, M. (2020) Prevalence for evidence-based doping regulation—A lawyer’s perspective. Performance Enhancement & Health.

Wajeeha & Javed A. (2020) Doping knowledge, beliefs and practices among physiotherapists. Khyber Medical University Journal, 12(3), 234-7.

Wardenaar, F.C., Hoogervorst, D., Vento, K.A., de Hon, O. (2020) Dutch Olympic and non-Olympic athletes differ in knowledge of and attitudes toward third-party supplement testing. Journal of Dietary Supplements.

Woolf, J.R. (2020) An examination of anti-doping education initiatives from an educational perspective: Insights and recommendations for improved educational design. Performance Enhancement and Health.

Woolway. T., Lazuras, L., Barkoukis, V., & Petróczi, A. (2020) “Doing what is right and doing it right”: A mapping review of athletes’ perception of anti-doping legitimacy. International Journal of Drug Policy, 84.