June 2012

New Management

"It is about time to hand over the management of the network to younger colleagues with new ideas and who are more familiar with the new media and their potential and a vision to modernize the network so that it does not stagnate in inertia. So from today Ask Vest Christiansen, Aarhus University and John Gleaves, California State University Fullerton will lead the network".
Read more here.

INHDR Editorial

The editorial is written by the new managers of the network, Ask Vest Christiansen, Aarhus University and John Gleaves, California State University, Fullerton.
Read the editorial.

Call for WADA: WADA – Anti-doping Organization in Sport or Moral Police?

A call for WADA has been written by Professor Ivan Waddington. In a central paragraph, the text reads: "It is clear that WADA’s third criterion for inclusion – that the use of drugs is against the vague concept of the 'spirit of sport' – performs a "catchall function"; it provides an argument for the banning of recreational drugs whose use cannot be banned on sporting grounds, that is on grounds of performance-enhancement. Read the call

Conference report

We want to draw attention to the conference report form the INHDR conference "Anti Doping - Rational Policy or Moral Panic?" held in Aarhus, August 2011. The report is written by Leander Møller Gøttcke and gives a thorough account of the conference's topic and the papers presented there by a host of international scholars from in and outside of doping research. Also on the website you will find videos and slides from the conference presentations.