INDR editorial, June 2017

Our 2017 INHR Conference draws rapidly near. On August 24-25, the INDR will return once again to the modern facilities at Aarhus University’s Sport Science building for the 9th biennial conference for the INDR. The theme of the conference is “Doping in sport, doping in society – lessons, themes, and connections” and it promises many high-quality papers and keynotes that highlight new contributions to the field. Abstracts received include many prominent scholars and members of the INDR as well as original research projects from around the world.

As we have done with past INDR conferences, in addition to our formal banquet on August 25th, we will be organizing an informal gathering on the Peter Gift pub on the evening of August 23th. This “Happy Hour” is a relaxing chance for returning members to catch up with colleagues and friends and new members to make acquaintances before the sessions begin. We are also eager for another opportunity to welcome new scholars as once again the conference program promises many presenters who will be at the INDR for their first time. From graduate students to post docs to professors, the INDR conference will bring together scholars from various fields to share, discuss, debate, and ultimately better understand the complex doping phenomena.

Last, please allow us to once more thank all of you who submitted abstracts or will attend this year’s conference. Conference organizing is not without challenges but it is rewarding to see so many people who wish to participate. We are also pleased with the number of individuals working with doping in e.g. municipalities or schools who plan to attend, though they are not delivering a paper. We think this speaks to the relevance of past conferences and the quality of the current conference program. We encourage anyone with an interest in better understanding humanistic doping research, whether an academic, journalist, lawyer, or policy maker, to join us for another edition of the INDR’s biannual conference.

For this newsletter, we have highlighted the abstracts from our keynote presenters to provide all of you with a taste of the forthcoming conference. As you shall see, the conference keynotes have each taken a novel approach to the conference theme. Unfortunately, however, Jason Mazanov from Australia, whom we looked very much forward to as a keynote speaker, has had to send us his apologies. He has a new job with the Australian military and travelling to Europe regrettably did not fit with his new obligations. We hope to see Jason some other time.

Also in this newsletter, you will find information on conference registration, accommodation and transportation to Aarhus.

Practical questions regarding the conference can be directed to our conference secretary, Emil Kaufmann:

Questions regarding the academic program can be directed at Ask Vest Christiansen or John Gleaves jgleaves@Exchange.FULLERTON.EDU.