New INDR feature: Perspectives on Doping and Anti-Doping

This is a new venture led by the new leadership team. Our aim is to collect accounts from athletes and other relevant stakeholders of various anti-doping experiences they have had, both good and bad. The INDR has always taken a balanced approach to the debates within this subject area and welcomed participants from a wide range of organisations. As academics, we have the opportunity to present a range of perspectives and therefore to allow and give a platform for debate about the foundations of anti-doping, the implementation of education, testing and sanctions, and potential future directions. 

We are fully aware that athletes' voices can sometimes be lost, overlooked, or ignored. This can happen in the processes of policy making, testing, or the appeals process. This is especially true of athletes at the lower end of the competitive spectrum, or those who have countervailing views on doping and anti-doping. This series of accounts is designed to address this deficiency. We are also interested in hearing from sports coaches, doctors, managers, journalists, or other academics who would like to relate their experiences. 

Go to the Perspectives on Doping and Anti-Doping