Health Services Research and Rehabilitation Research

In the Research Unit for Health Services Research and Rehabilitation Research, we work on research projects that contribute to create equality in health and a coherent health sector. We work with cross-disciplinary, cross-professional and cross-sectoral problems, and we have deep knowledge of social services, the health sector and the labour market.

Our goal is to provide a better quality of life for the population taking into account the role of the person or next of kin, and we develop and conduct research aiming at securing state-of-the-art solutions across sectors and professions.

We focus on a better everyday life, and that implies a look at the full life span of the person; with the person and on the terms of the person. Our core task is to provide new knowledge, develop new services, and create coherence across sectors and professions. It is our belief that in these crossroads we can find many of the greatest opportunities for development of the welfare state.


Applied research is a common denominator for our research, including the development of methods for applied research and theory development. We conduct studies of health and the health sector in its broadest sense, and we examine the effect of new health initiatives. The research projects are from the outset developed in collaboration with the relevant players in the field, and together we describe how and in which contexts the knowledge and the methods should be applied.

We use WHO's broad concept of health, which entails that health, well-being and functioning is created and developed everywhere and throughout your life-time, both within and outside the health system. The resources and development of each individual can interact with and depend on factors such as family, society, organisations and institutions, sectors, media, and political arenas.

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