Organising Public Health

As a research group, we focus on the processes of organising public health across different levels. This includes health policy and governance, organisations and organisational practices, and key stakeholders like citizens and professionals.

We understand health as something that is practised and understood at multiple levels: at individual level and among people; in relations between people and organisations and among organisations; and at society level. We explore, describe and analyse how decision-makers, managers, professionals, volunteers and citizens form health and public health issues. And we investigate change processes in relation to current policy agendas and specific programmes concerned with a variety of health aspects.

Research areas

In the research group, we are particularly interested in intra-organisational and cross-sectorial collaborations, social inequalities of health and health technology, and our research projects build on close national and international collaborations; including with the other research groups in the research unit “Applied Public Health” and the research unit ‘Nursing and Health Care’.

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