

Our research aims to promote health and mitigate the health effects of social inequity. To achieve this, we use theory, evidence and co-creation in the development and evaluation of complex interventions primarily in diabetes, CVD risk and other non-communicable diseases early in the life course.

My research looks at different aspects of organising public health. This includes: comparing how health systems shape health policy and governance; studying how health organisations deal with change; and examining how health professions contribute to the governance and organisation of health care.

Associate Professors

My main research interest is on the measurement of population health by the burden of disease from disability and mortality. My approach relies on health economic evaluations with focus on health outcome measurements, quality assessments of causes of death data, and valuations of health benefits.

My research encompass areas related to organizing public health and public health interventions. I study organisational change processes from the perspectives of users, health professionals and organisations with a focus on user involvement; health technologies and qualitative methodologies.

Focus is on identifying populations who can benefit from public health interventions (such as lifestyle changes) and to identify elements in the usual care that might be beneficial or harmful for specific subpopulations. Another aim is to explore, develop and apply the best methods available.

My research is on the interplay of need, care-seeking behaviour, care provision and financing mechanisms, especially in vulnerable groups e.g. elderly, and corresponding inequities; cost, quality of care and health related to organisation of care, including the field of anti-microbial resistance.

Assistant Professors

My research interest is physical activity, sport and exercise psychology and health promotion. A particular interest is co-creation, system and community approaches, physical inactivity and physical literacy. I also serve as sport psychological consultant for Team Danmark and editor of SJSEP.

With a background in anthropology I have a specialist interest in social inequality in health and vulnerable people. My focus is perceptions of health and health capital in relation to culture and social position.