Cardiovascular disease in general practice

Every year, approximately 56,000 people in Denmark develop a cardiovascular disease. Although the number of deaths due to cardiovascular disease was halved from 1995 to 2018, cardiovascular disease remains the second most common cause of death in Denmark, and more than 525,000 Danes currently live with a cardiovascular disease.

General practice plays a crucial role in the care of patients with cardiovascular disease, as patients are most often seen by their own general practitioner (GP).

In the research group, we conduct broad research into cardiovascular disease – from prevention to the optimal treatment of patients. We focus, inter alia, on how to ensure that patients with cardiovascular disease can have a good life, as many people have a psychological reaction to their cardiovascular disease. We also examine how the health services can be strengthened and secure patients the best possible care for their cardiovascular disease in general practice. We support general practice-relevant research with realistic and implementable implications that strengthen the practitioner's work in helping patients with cardiovascular disease.

Research areas

The starting point for the scientific work is to elucidate the research topics in an interdisciplinary manner, using various different theories and methods. We make use of classical methods such as randomised controlled trials, epidemiological research and other research disciplines – including anthropology, psychology, intervention research, organisational research and health economics.

Among our current projects are:

  • POST-CHD - Problem-Ssolving Ttherapy for patients with Ccoronary hHeart dDisease and poor mental wellbeing, depression and anxiety in general practice: An intervention study investigating effects and implementation
  • Exploration in handling of hypercholesterolemia and developing interventions aimed at improving optimal treatment and shared decisions in Danish general practice

We also work closely with cardiology departments in hospitals.

Recent publications