

Our work is in the nexus between spatial data informatics, health and the environment. Our research uses the life-course paradigm, estimating social and environmental exposures from birth to disease. We use big data linkage, machine learning and spatial technologies to understand these processes.

Our aim is to gain insight into fundamental toxicological mechanisms toward environmental stressors and at the same time develop methods to evaluate the health effects of these stressors eg particulate matter on a population level. These are the questions linking toxicology, genes and epidemiology.

My reasech is within inflammatory diseases, allergy and exposure assessment, mainly in the Public Health and the occupational field.  Main focuses are how microbial and occupational exposures impacts inflammatory respiratory dieseases, and how how these exposures affects health  in generations.

Associate Professors

The objective is to understand indoor and outdoor air pollution effects on human airways and eyes like odor and pain perception. The studies include exposures like gasses (O3, NO2), organic compounds, and particulates. The technigues are usually human exposure studies  in climate chambers.

We study the health effects of indoor and outdoor exposures. Our approach is a mix of experimental and population based studies. The health effects of interest are both immediate acute responses (inflammation and irritation) and chronic diseases (atopic, autoimmune, respiratory and CVD).

Assistant Professors

My research focuses on occupational, environmental and lifestyle exposures in relation to respiratory and other chronic diseases using an exposome approach to investigate many exposures simultaneously.

I investigate health effects of environmental exposures, with a special interest for drinking water quality. I work with spatial exposure modelling, linkage to register data and carry out epidemiological studies on the associations with a variety of health outcomes – from cancer to mental health.