Conference 2023

A 2-day Conference 25-26 April 2023 at Helnan Marselis Hotel, Aarhus

Person-Centred Care: What Patient Involvement Interventions Work, for Whom and under What Circumstances?

The conference focuses on methods employed to evaluate patient involvement interventions (PIIs). PIIs are designed to enable health professionals to deliver person-centred care.

In this context, person-centred care is one that supports people to make informed decisions about and successfully manage their own health and care.

Dag 1 - 9:00-17:30

Upscaling the Professional: Enhancing Professionals’ Shared Decision Making and Self Management Expertise as Interventions for Delivering Person-Centred Care

Velkommen - Hilary L. Bekker og Lotte Ø. Rodkjær: Why Is Person-Centred Care a Multiple Stakeholder Problem?

KEYNOTE: David Richards – Can the Complex Interventions Research Framework Guide Person-Centred Care Intervention Research?

KEYNOTE: Anne Stiggelbout – Shared Decision Making Training as an Intervention for Person-Centred Care [Intervention Development and Training]

KEYNOTE: Annette de Thurah – Self Management Support as a Prerequisite for Person-Centred Care [Intervention Development and Training]

Workshop A: Jeanette Finderup og Anne Stiggelbout: Shared Decision Making as a Prerequisite for Person-Centred Care [Training and Implementation]

Workshop B: Bente Appel Esbensen: How do You Know What Works, for Whom and Why in Self-Managements Interventions?

Poster præsentationer, mentoring og kaffe

Konferencemiddag på Hotel Helnan Marselis (inkluderet i konferenceprisen)

Dag 2 - 8:30-15:30

Upscaling the Patient: Enhancing Patient Roles in Delivering Person-Centred Care Interventions 

Velkommen - Hilary L. Bekker og Lotte Ø. Rodkjær

KEYNOTE: Richard Osborne – Authentic Co-Design from Iinception to Scale-Up: The Ophelia Health Literacy Development process

Workshop A: Anna Aaby – Organisational Responses to Patient Health Literacy Needs: A Framework from the Danish National Health Authority

Workshop B: Kristina Louise Bliksted (Social sundhed): How to Support the Patient Navigate the Healthcare System and Create Greater Social Equality in Health

Poster præsentationer, mentoring og kaffe

KEYNOTE: Morten Sodemann – Is Person-Centred Care Possible for Patients/Citizens and Professionals in the Current Infrastructure?

Afsluttende bemærkninger og næste skridt - Hilary L. Bekker og Lotte Ø. Rodkjær

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Hovedtalernes præsentationer er på engelsk, og workshoppene er på dansk eller engelsk.

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Konferencen støttes af Novo Nordisk Fonden.

Target group of the conference: Researchers, practitioners, health service research students, and patient partners in research with an interest in improving health care through the design and evaluation of complex interventions to enhance patient engagement with healthcare.

Registration closed.

The conference is hosted by the Research Centre for Patient Involvement and Aarhus University.