PtDAs & SDM Theme Lead

Jeanette Finderup Is Theme Lead

Clinical Nurse Specialist Jeanette Finderup leads the centre's activities related to PtDA and SDM interventions.

The ResCenPI theme lead will:

  • Represent and develop activities related to the theme
  • Develop her own research leadership and amplify others research activities in this area
  • Make input into ResCenPI strategy to promote and disseminate research
  • Take forward requests for advice about the theme topic on behalf of ResCenPI
  • Provide external advice and develop training and dissemination outputs where appropriate.

Contact the Theme Lead
To find out more and participate in ResCenPI's work on PtDA and SDM interventions, please contact the centre's theme lead, Jeanette Finderup.

PtDA & SDM Theme Lead
Jeanette Finderup
Clinical Nurse Specialist and Associate Professor