Human Exposure Chamber Studies

In our state of the art human exposure chambers, we investigate how the short-term environmental exposures affect the health of volunteer participants to outdoor and indoor environment.

In the research group, we have studied environmental exposures from wood smoke, exposure to different organic compounds from indoor air pollution among other things. These studies have included front-line methods for exposures as well as effect-outcomes and encompassed monitoring of the heart, lungs including exhaled breath, nasal volume and inflammatory markers, blood, urine, eyes and skin. And the outcomes span molecular-, cellular-, metabolomic- and inflammatory markers.

Research areas

Our current research includes the following projects, among others:

    In the CANDLE project, we tested the health effects of two different candles: a standard candle and a newly developed candle. Seventeen young asthmatics participated in the study.
  • Ultrafine
    The Ultrafine project is designed to shed light on whether exposure to candles and cooking fumes causes health problems among 36 young asthmatics.
  • GodNat
    In the GodNat project, we investigate whether children's sleep and cognition are affected by exposure to carbon dioxide (CO2) and bioeffulents (breaking wind, sweat, etc.). A total of 35 children aged 10-12 years slept in the chambers on three separate occasions.

For further information, please visit The Climate Chambers’ website
