General Practice

The Research Unit for General Practice contributes to the improvement and development of healthcare, with particular focus on efforts in and around general practice.

For most citizens, general practice is the gateway to the healthcare system, and the general practitioners are responsible for diagnosis and treatment of acute health problems, control of patients with chronic ailments and preventive measures. General practice also has a coordinating function for patients in contact with the healthcare system.

The relationship between doctor and patient is an important foundation for the work in general practice, which is built up through confidentiality, mutual trust and continuity. We aim to contribute to the further development of general practice as a central and integrated part of the healthcare system and as a stakeholder characterised by high academic standards, documented quality, good service and optimal use of resources.  

A recurring theme for us is to provide knowledge about the function and organisation of the healthcare system, and to contribute with knowledge to reduce health inequality. In addition to scientific activities, we contribute to the preparation of clinical guidelines for general practitioners and research-based public sector consultancy of, among other things, the Danish Health Authority and the regions.


Our interdisciplinary research groups use and have extensive experience with a range of different research methods, which we continuously develop in collaboration with national and international partners. The methods include:

  • Randomised controlled clinical trials
  • Complex interventions
  • Implementation research
  • Cross-sectional, Case-control and follow-up studies
  • Quasi-experimental designs
  • Survey design, including both quantitative and qualitative studies
  • Epidemiological Studies
  • Health-economic analysis of the costs and effects of interventions

Recent publications

Research groups